SprintRay Gingiva Mask


SprintRay Gingiva Mask

3D Print Accurate Soft Tissue Replicas

Gingiva Mask is a flexible yet durable material intended for use with SprintRay model materials to mimic the look and feel of natural gum tissue. Gingiva Mask has a high tear resistance and is easy to trim for optimal restorative planning.




SprintRay Gingiva Mask

Instructions For Use

The SprintRay Gingiva Mask is a light-curable polymerizable resin intended to be used for the
fabrication of gingiva replication via additive manufacturing.

Fabrication of Device
This resin was validated using the following workflow. Failure to follow the recommended
practices may lead to undesired safety and performance implications.
Any deviation from these instructions for use may negatively affect the physical and/or
chemical qualities of the resin and the biocompatibility of the final device.
If applicable, refer to the Workflow Guide for detailed best practices for producing specific
appliance types with SprintRay resins.
The device is designed in STL file format by a dental design service, preferably SprintRay Cloud
Design, or dental CAD software using digital anatomical data from the patient. This STL file is
delivered to the clinician for fabrication.

3D Printing
Sign in to RayWare Cloud and select the appliance type; the algorithm will automatically orient
and add supports. Select this material and use the desired layer thickness. . Queue the job to
your printer.
Shake the resin bottle thoroughly for one minute, then pour into the resin tank up to at least the
min fill line. From the printer touchscreen, assign the resin tank to the proper material and
shade, then navigate to the printer queue. Start the print job.
Part and Support Removal
After your device has been printed, remove it from the print platform using the provided Print
Removal Tool. Remove all supports using a flush cutter or round diamond disc. Cut as close as
possible to the device to minimize the smoothening and finishing procedure.
Washing and Drying
Use ≥91% IPA to wash the device using the SprintRay Pro Wash S or SprintRay Pro Wash/Dry:
● Standard cleaning cycle
To ensure the proper function of the wash unit, always follow on-screen instructions for device
cleanliness and maintenance. Dry the part completely before post-curing.
Instructions For Use – SprintRay Gingiva Mask Resin
DCO# 1555
Effective Date: 06/25/2024
Page 4

Post Curing
Use one of the following post-curing equipment from SprintRay to cure the device and select the
preprogrammed profile for Gingiva Mask:
● ProCure 2 (preprogrammed material profile)
● ProCure (preprogrammed material profile)

Use A Scotch-Brite/Fuzzies Wheel with a lab handpiece to smoothen the surface. Wash and
clean the device with a brush using soap and warm water

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