IMPRIMO® Cleaning Liquid

SKU: 6533 Category:

SCHEU-DENTAL IMPRIMO® Cleaning Liquid is a water-based cleaning agent for the effective removal of generative resin residues on 3D printed objects. No nasty isopropanol smell!

Depending on the viscosity of the resin to be cleaned, the concentration of the cleaning bath can be diluted with water up to 50%. The concentrated formula is long-lasting and cost effective.

The processing temperature of IMPRIMO® Cleaning Liquid must not exceed 50°C.

The cleaning solution is designed to be used with the IMPRIMO® cleaning unit, although it is compatible with other ultrasonic cleaning units.

If you are using cleaning units from other manufacturers, IMPRIMO® Cleaning Liquid should first be tested on an inconspicuous area of the liquid container.

The concentrated formula is long-lasting and cost effective.

Not recommended with cleaning baths with plastic interiors

Size: 1 litre

IMPRIMO_Cleaning_Liquid-DATA Sheet

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