SprintRay pro-95-95s-resin-tank and platform


Pro-95-95s-tank now equipped with proprietary new Optical Polish technology enables users to 3D print dental appliances directly with a glossy, pre-polished surface, reducing the need for manual post-polishing and streamlining workflow and production time for nightguards, models, dentures, full arch hybrids and more. Resin tank works in perfect tandem with the printer to track resin usage and tank lifetime.

Special Bundle Discount applied when purchased with a SprintRay Pro 95s Platform (10% DISCOUNT ON EACH ITEM)


Introducing Optical Panel™ Technology

Pixel Perfect Accuracy

To make Pro 2, we flipped the script on the printing process, placing the patent-pending Optical Panel as close as possible to the resin tank, offering 35 µm resolution and zero distortion – all while retaining a large build area.

35 µm Resolution

Incredible anatomical details

The Optical Panel has an incredible contrast ratio, providing crisp 35 µm details for anatomical precision.

Onboard Intelligence

High-speed serial connection

Optical Panel includes smart onboard electronics that track usage, health, and communicate calibration data with Pro 2.


Ultra durable stack

Optical Panel is made from ultra-strong Gorilla Glass and machined aluminum for long-lasting performance.

Easy to Replace

Plug and play

Replacing the  SprintRay pro-95-95s tank is really easy – just flip open the clips, remove the panel, and slide a new one in its place. Easy.

Ultra Violet Innovation

385 nm UV-A light unlocks current and future Biomaterial Innovations

The LED that powers Pro 2 emits pure UV-A 385 nm light. This wavelength is ideal for photoinitiator absorption, which helps decrease shrinkage and improve cure depth control while boosting the green state mechanical properties. This leads to stronger, predictably precise final parts, with improved layer accuracy.

385 nm UV-A

Pinpoint Accuracy

385 nm UV-A light offers ideal depth control and photoinitiator absorption, boosting accuracy and mechanical properties.

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